Email Address
Register For
1 person bringing up to 2 dogs. 2 people bringing up to 4 dogs, in total 2 people bringing only 1 dog, in total
Winter Camp Lodging Options
Single Lodge ($475) Double Lodge ($395) Triple Lodge ($345) Off-Site Lodging ($295)
Anticipated Event Fee
Single Lodge $450 Double Lodge $375 per person Triple Lodge $325 per person Off-Site Lodging $275 per person Two people 1 dog Double Lodge $350 per person
Male Female
Complete Mailing Address (Street, City, Zip)
Primary Phone Number
Cell or Work Phone
T-Shirt Size (for Canteen Ordering)
Is E-mail a reliable way to contact you?
Yes. Send all camp info electronically. No. Please post-mail all camp info to me.
Emergency Contact Name
Emergency Contact Relationship
Emergency Contact Phone
Vets Name
Vets Phone
How did you hear of Camp Dogwood?
I AM DOGWOOD ALUMNI Referral. (Enter referrer in next field.) Internet. (Enter site in next field...) Advertisement. (Enter publication...) Editorial. (Enter publication...) Web link. (Enter website...) Other. (Please detail...)
Details/info for previous question
How many dogs will you bring?
One Two Three Four
Dog #1 Name
Dog #1 Age and Breed
Dog #1: Where did you get this dog and at what age?
Dog #1 Gender and Status
male, fixed male, intact (subject to guidelines) female, fixed female, intact (not permitted if in heat)
Dog #2 Name
Dog #2 Age and Breed
Dog #2: Where did you get this dog and at what age?
Dog #2 Gender and Status
male, fixed male, intact (subject to guidelines) female, fixed female, intact (not permitted if in heat)
Dog #3 Name
Dog #3 Age and Breed
Dog #3: Where did you get this dog and at what age?
Dog #3 Gender and Status
male, fixed male, intact (subject to guidelines) female, fixed female, intact (not permitted if in heat)
Dog #4 Name
Dog #4 Age and Breed
Dog #4: Where did you get this dog and at what age?
Dog #4 Gender and Status
male, fixed male, intact (subject to guidelines) female, fixed female, intact (not permitted if in heat)
For obedience..
I trained my dog myself I took my dog to obedience classes I worked with a private trainer Obedience? That's not our best subject..
My dogs are
Submissive Dominant Goes with the flow..
Is there anything else we should know about your dogs?