Jessica Ingles
Jessica is an Evaluator for American Kennel Club’s (AKC) Canine Good Citizen (CGC) certification, AKC S.T.A.R. Puppy Evaluator, and a Full Member of the Association of Pet Dog Trainers (APDT). Jessica has experience working at both an animal emergency center and an animal rehabilitation center (physical therapy for dogs), but she eventually found her way to teaching others how to train their dogs. Over a span of 4 years, over 800 families and their dogs from all walks of life attended group classes and private lessons seeking help to be the best dog families they could be. Each family walked away with a deeper bond and understanding of how their dogs think and learn.
Jessica’s passion for dogs shines through in her training style and she brings a level of enthusiasm that is contagious. Her training style is fun and interactive because “dog training” is as much about training the dog as it is about training the dog’s family so that everyone is effectively communicating and having a good time. While training others, Jessica continues to compete with two of her own dogs (Thai Ridgeback, Sunee, and Bulldog, Pugsly) who have earned numerous titles in both Obedience and Rally. Pugsly is also the only bulldog to attend the March 2013 Rally National Competition in Tulsa, Oklahoma placing 6th (198/200 points) out of 89 dogs (all breed) in the class.